Corporate Information
Top Management Policy
- Our company always respects each person’s unique personality, is devote to the spirit of equal opportunity, human equality and strives to make the most of people’s abilities.
- We continually strive to improve, develop, and devote ourselves to create technical product.
- We are devoted to a flexible management system, and aim not to become rigid in our thinking or job performance.
Daimei Management Four Principles
- Before making a product, developing human resource
- Before selling a product, selling your responsibility
- Making an excellent company rather than expanding
- Concentrating on to be a strong and competitive company

DAIMEI is committed to its corporate philosophy along with the SDGs.

Good health and well-being,Gender equality,Decent work and economic growth

The Daimei Group conducts an employee engagement survey twice a year.”Engagement” here refers to the rate of mutual affection between a company and its employees.Aiming to create a good workplace (a good organization), each department prepares action plans based on the results of engagement surveys and implements PDCA cycles to improve the organization.The survey began in 2008 and has now been awarded the Motivation Team Award (sponsored by Link and Motivation Inc.) for three consecutive years.We feel that we are gradually improving our organization.
Based on the idea that good results come from good relationships, we always care about building good relationship so that everyone can work in a healthy environment and not feel uncomfortable. Based on this survey, we will continue to aim for becoming a strong organization that produces good results and work on creating a great work environment.
Quality education

One of our philosophies is to “fully utilizes employee’s skills,” so we offer a variety of experiences and educational opportunities.
The educational program, which aims to train the next generation of leaders, teaches our employees marketing frameworks and new businesses development. In addition, we have set up project teams for younger members, creating opportunities for them to develop their independence and cooperativeness beyond the boundaries of their departments while they are still young.
We have established a system in which all employees are encouraged to participate in on-site improvement activities such as QC circles, as well as to develop a sense of independence and ownership through this improvement.
Affordable and clean energy

Our electricity needs in the Osaka district are covered by solar power at nearly 44,000 kwh per year. Daimei Okayama Co., Ltd. also began using solar power in May 2022, covering about half of their electricity needs. We plan on adding more solar panels at other locations by 2030 in an effort to save energy. Now, 95% of ceiling lighting uses LEDs. Use of LED lighting results in approximately 35% less power consumption than fluorescent lighting (figures as of 2021).
Also, we use both hydraulic and motorized injection molding equipment to make products, with motorized equipment accounting for 77% of all equipment at the Daimei Group. Motorized equipment is silent, and uses only the electricity required for operation, which is 37.4% less than hydraulic equipment.
Industry, innovation, infrastructure

As part of sustainable manufacturing of technical products, we propose lightweight resin items to replace conventional metal products. Resin products can be made lightweight by creating cavities inside. When considering new products, we perform fluid analysis to predict how resin will flow, then propose optimized sprue and runner sizes.
We have also established a Technical Research Office to engage in further technological development. The Office has established bioplastic and biodegradable plastic formation methods with the goal of providing materials with minimal impact on the environment.
※Sprue runner: This is the channel through which resin is poured into in the mold in order to reach the product. It is an essential part of creating products, and discarded once the piece is made into the final product.
Reduced inequalities

Approximately 10% of the Daimei Group’s full-time employees are foreign nationals.
We actively hire people who are fluent in Japanese and highly motivated to do their jobs. The president and factory manager go overseas to interview and have dinner with prospective employees and their parents. We are trying to relieve their anxiety about working in Japan as much as possible. In the education of foreign employees in Japan, we have incorporated teaching methods using videos so that they can fully understand even if there are differences in language and culture.
Responsible consumption and production

When switching to mass-produced items at formation factories, staff must eject of the remaining material out of the machines and switch to the new material before beginning the next production batch. Differing material types and colors produce more time and waste when removing the remaining material, so whenever possible, we establish production plans that take into consideration the order of production to minimize loss and allow for batch manufacturing. To minimize loss due to staff differences, procedures are strictly standardized into a set of rules, allowing anyone to easily switch materials with minimal loss. At the Logistics Department, instead of using a significant amount of plastic wrap to keep stacked boxes from falling over during delivery, they use reusable plastic bands.
No poverty,Zero hunger,Good health and well-being,Sustainable cities and communities,Partnerships for the goals

Daimei Plastic Oita Co., Ltd. donates a portion of the vending machine’s sales installed in the company to the Oita Children’s Cafeteria through Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Co., Ltd. Children’s cafeterias are communities where local residents and local governments take the lead in providing free or low-cost meals to children. We continue to provide support for the children who will take responsibility for our society in the future by creating a better place for them to live.
Environment Social Governance
We are working to achieve the SDGs from an ESG perspective in order to enhance corporate value and create a sustainable society.
Focus Area
Issues to be addressed
Contributing SDGs
Effective Use of Resources
Noise reduction

Human Resource Development
gender equality
work-style reform
Promoting Diversity

disclosure of information
Strengthening BCM
Promoting Responsible Procurement
Practice of Action Guidelines
Strengthen manufacturing capabilities